Protect Your Home: Expert Advice on Squirrel Removal in Nassau County

Squirrels may look cute and harmless, but they can actually cause a lot of damage to your home if left unchecked. In Nassau County, dealing with squirrel infestations is a common problem for homeowners. From chewing on wires to nesting in your attic, these furry critters can wreak havoc on your property. In this article, we will provide expert advice on how to safely and effectively remove squirrels from your home in Nassau County.

squirrel removal nassau county

Signs of a Squirrel Infestation

If you suspect that you have squirrels in your home, it's important to look out for the following signs:

1. Strange noises:

  • Scurrying or scratching sounds in your attic or walls
  • Noises of nuts rolling on your roof

2. Droppings:

  • Small, pellet-like droppings in and around your home

3. Damage:

  • Chewed wires, insulation, or wood
  • Nesting materials like twigs, leaves, and paper

DIY Squirrel Removal Techniques

Before calling a professional, you can try these DIY squirrel removal techniques to see if you can solve the problem yourself:

1. Seal entry points:

  • Inspect your home for any gaps or openings that squirrels could use to enter
  • Seal all entry points with wire mesh or steel wool

2. Use deterrents:

  • Install motion-activated lights or sprinklers to scare squirrels away
  • Sprinkle predator urine or ammonia-soaked rags near squirrel entry points

3. Trim trees:

  • Trim tree branches that are close to your home to prevent easy access for squirrels

When to Call a Professional

If your DIY efforts are unsuccessful or if you prefer to leave squirrel removal to the experts, it's time to call a professional pest removal service. Here are some reasons to consider professional help:

1. Large infestations:

  • If you have multiple squirrels nesting in your home

2. Difficult access:

  • If squirrels have nested in hard-to-reach areas like your attic or chimney

3. Safety concerns:

  • If you are worried about handling squirrels, which can carry diseases like rabies

Professional Squirrel Removal Services in Nassau County

When hiring a professional squirrel removal service, make sure to choose a reputable and experienced company. Look for the following qualities in a pest removal service:

1. Licensed and insured:

  • Ensure that the company is licensed to operate in Nassau County and has liability insurance

2. Humane removal methods:

  • Choose a company that uses humane trapping and relocation methods

3. Guarantee:

  • Ask about any guarantees or warranties offered for their services

Preventing Future Infestations

Once the squirrels have been removed from your home, it's important to take steps to prevent future infestations. Here are some tips to squirrel-proof your home:

1. Trim branches:

  • Keep tree branches at least 6 feet away from your home

2. Secure garbage bins:

  • Make sure your garbage bins are tightly sealed to prevent squirrels from scavenging for food

3. Regular inspections:

  • Inspect your home periodically for any signs of squirrel activity

By following these expert tips on squirrel removal and prevention, you can protect your home from these pesky critters in Nassau County.